Color Chakra Chart

Red Root: Red is associated with the first chakra, the Root -- Muladhara. It is a hot color that represents our life energy, our physical strength and vitality. Red is used to increase vitality and to send warmth.

Orange Sacral: Orange is associated with the second chakra, the Sacral -- Svadhisthana. It is a warm color that energizes, invigorates and nourishes. Orange can bring self-confidence. 

Yellow Solar Plexus: Yellow is associated with the third chakra, the Solar Plexus -- Manipura. It is a warm color that can stimulate the nervous system and effects the mind and emotions. Yellow can help with mood elevation and alleviates exhaustion and burnout. 

Green Heart: Green is associated with the fourth chakra, the Heart -- Anahata. It is a cool color and a great balancer. Green can help soothe and bring harmony. 

Blue Throat: Blue is associated with the fifth chakra, the Throat -- Vissudha. It is a cool color and brings lightness, peace and calm and helps with sleep.

Purple Third Eye: Purple is associated with the sixth chakra, the Third Eye -- Ajna. It helps build a positive outlook and bring inner strength.

White Crown: The Crown -- Sahasrara. Represents inner-power, bringing higher understanding and calm.